United Public Schools

Descriptor Code: DE
  • Distribution and Posting of
    Material in Schools
  • Drug and Alcohol-
    Free Workplace
  • Hazing
Staff Use of Electronic Devices
StudentConductand Discipline (Prohibition on Corporal Punishment)
The Board has adopted this policy with the intent of fostering learning and working environments that operate efficiently; that are safe, ethical, and equitable for students and staff; and that meet community expectations.
Application of Policy
All school district employees, including teachers, administrators, other contracted staff, and ancillary staff, are required to adhere to this policy.
Code of Conduct
All staff members are responsible for becoming familiar with and abiding by the laws of the state as they affect their work, professional codes of ethics associated with their licensure if applicable, the school district’s policies, and the regulations designed to implement them.
The Board has adopted the following policies on staff conduct, which are considered part of this code of conduct and to which all district staff are required to adhere1:
Acceptable Use
  • Bullying and Anti-harassment
  • Complaints about Restraint or Personnel Seclusion
Student Education Records and Data Privacy
Tobacco Use Vandalism Violent and
ThreateningBehavior Weapons Prohibitions
on District Property—
Employees Whistleblower Protections
The Board may have adopted or may adopt additional conduct policies applicable to specific categories of employees (e.g., academic freedom standards for teachers). Such policies are also considered part of this code of conduct, and the Superintendent is charged with disseminating such policies using the policy dissemination procedure contained in this policy.
In addition to district policies governing staff conduct, each staff member is required to:
  1. Conduct oneself professionally whenever serving in their official capacity as a school district employee, including maintaining professional decorum and
    professional boundaries in all interactions with students.
  2. Exercise honesty and integrity when executing all duties.
1 This is a suggested list of staff conduct policies. Please customize this list to reflect only staff conduct policies adopted by your board.
RECOMMENDED Descriptor Code: DE
  1. Comply with confidentiality laws (e.g., student education records are protected by
  2. Be faithful and prompt in attendance at work.
  3. Support and enforce policies and regulations of the District.
  4. Diligently execute all duties as assigned by supervisors and as set forth in job descriptions, district policies, or the negotiated agreement; staff members are also required to fulfill the terms of their contracts if applicable.
  5. Demonstrate care and conservation of school property and resources.
  6. Make job-related decisions in a manner that is fair and consistent with district policy and the district’s mission.
  7. Not use their position with the District for private gain.
  8. Treat all staff, students, and community members with dignity and respect.
  9. Report suspected violations of this code of conduct, district policy, or workplace violations of law to an immediate supervisor or individual/entity designated by law/policy to receive such reports.
Dissemination of Staff Conduct Standards
The Superintendent or designee shall develop a procedure to ensure that this code of conduct and other policies governing staff conduct are provided to all staff annually. The Board further directs the Superintendent or designee to compile a list of state laws related to staff conduct and disseminate this information to staff annually. The Superintendent or designee also shall provide a copy of the Education Standards and Practices Board Code of Professional Conduct for Educators to teachers and administrators annually. Administration shall require staff to acknowledge, in writing, receipt and understanding of all documents provided to them under this policy.
If a staff conduct policy contains specific policy dissemination procedures that are more comprehensive than the policy dissemination requirements contained herein, the more comprehensive policy dissemination procedures should be followed.
Reporting and Investigation
Any staff member who has reason to believe that this policy may have been violated is required to report the alleged violation to an immediate supervisor or individual/entity designated by law/policy to receive such reports as soon as possible. Students and community members who have reason to believe this policy has been violated are encouraged to report this to the building principal.
The reporter may submit a written or oral report of the alleged violation. The supervisor or administrator receiving the report should document the date and time that the report is received, nature of the alleged violation, name of the reporter, and names of any witnesses to the alleged violation if this information is not submitted by the reporter in writing.
The supervisor shall refer the report to the Superintendent as soon as possible for investigation and resolution. The Superintendent shall investigate, as appropriate, the alleged violation in a timely manner not to exceed 60 days unless the Superintendent
RECOMMENDED Descriptor Code: DE determines additional time is needed. The Superintendent may issue a summary of the
investigation’s findings to the employee who is the subject of the investigation.
At any time during the investigation process, the Superintendent or designated investigator may refer the alleged violation to law enforcement if a violation of law is reasonably believed to have occurred and/or ESPB if a violation of the Code of Professional Conduct for Educators is reasonably believed to have occurred. Such referrals may not relieve the District of its responsibility to complete an internal investigation of the alleged violation.
If a staff conduct policy contains an investigation procedure that differs from the investigation procedure contained herein, the procedure referenced in the applicable staff conduct policy shall be used to conduct the investigation.
Alleged Violations by the Superintendent or Business Manager
If the Superintendent or Business Manager is believed to have violated this policy, the alleged violation shall be reported to the Board President who is responsible for conducting the investigation and making a recommendation based on the outcome of the investigation to the Board for determination and final action. The School Board may retain an attorney or consultant to assist with the investigation process.
Violations of this policy by a staff member may result in appropriate disciplinary action as determined by the Superintendent. The superintendent’s decision is final. If the violation was committed by the Superintendent, the board’s decision regarding appropriate disciplinary action is final. If the violation is covered by another district policy on staff conduct (e.g., discrimination or harassment), any specific disciplinary consequences contained in that policy shall apply.
Retaliation and Providing False Information Prohibited
The District prohibits retaliation for an individual’s participation in an investigation and/or initiation of a report under this policy, including instances when an allegation is not substantiated. The District also prohibits knowingly filing a false report and/or knowingly making false statements during an investigation. Staff and students who violate these prohibitions will be subject to appropriate disciplinary action.
Complementing NDSBA Templates (may contain items not adopted by the Board)
  • AAC, Nondiscrimination and Anti-Harassment Policy
  • ABBA, ND’s Comprehensive Model School Policy for Tobacco Use
  • ABBDA, Political Activities
  • ABCA, Copyrighted Material and Intellectual Property
  • ABCB, Sportsmanship
  • ABCD, Records Retention
  • ABCE, Prohibition on Aiding Sexual Abuse
  • ACAC, Accident Reporting
  • ACBF, Medical Marijuana
  • ACDA, Acceptable Use
  • ACE, Violent & Threatening Behavior
Descriptor Code: DE
  • ACEA, Bullying
  • ACEB, Hazing
  • ACEC, Vandalism
  • ACF, Whistleblower Protections
  • DEAA, Drug and Alcohol-Free Workplace
  • DEAB, Staff Attendance
  • DEAC, Staff Dress Code
  • DEAD, Staff Use of Electronic Devices
  • DEAE, Occupational Safety
  • DEAG, Weapons Prohibition on District Property – Employees
  • DEBA, Confidentiality
  • DEBB, Conflict of Interest
  • DEBC, Gifts to District Personnel
  • DEBD, Maintaining Professional Employee-Student Boundaries
  • DEBE, Employee Relations with Vendors
  • DEBF, Employee Speech
  • DEBG, Electronic Communications with Students
  • DEBJ, Unauthorized Purchases
  • DECA, Outside Employment
  • FCC, Restraint or Seclusion
  • FF, Student Conduct and Discipline
  • FGA, Student Education Records and Privacy
  • GBA, Academic Freedom
  • KAAD, Distribution and Posting of Noncurricular Material in Schools
  • KACB, Complaints About Personnel
    End of [Name of District] Policy DE............................................................................................Adopted: [07/24]